
Woman wins $1.5 Million from Man Who Gave Her HPV.

An Iowa jury recently awarded a woman $1.5 Million Dollars in a lawsuit she filed against the man who infected her with HPV, a sexually transmitted disease that causes genital warts. Karly Rossiter filed suit against Alan Evans claiming he told her he was free of sexually transmitted diseases in order to coerce her into having unprotected sex with him, when in fact he was carrying the human papilloma virus which causes genital warts.

Under Maryland law, a person who contracts a sexually transmitted disease from an infected partner who neglects to tell the victim they carry the disease is entitled to monetary damages. An experienced Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer, can Maryland residents who were infected with an STD, recover monetary damages from the person who infected them if they knowingly carried the virus yet failed to disclose it to the victim. Maryland allows for one to recover damages under several causes of action.
If you or someone you know are infected with an STD (sexually transmitted disease) and contracted this disease through unprotected sex with a partner who failed to tell you their status, you may be entitled to monetary damages.


For more information or a free consultation, please contact the Maryland personal injury lawyers of Silverman, Thompson, Slutkin & White, LLC. or call Steve Silverman at 410-385-2226.

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