There are several strategies that the best and most successful Maryland trial lawyers do to increase their chances of obtaining significantly higher damages awards at trial. Intense preparation is, naturally, first and foremost among that list. Too many inexperienced personal injury lawyers leave the damages component as an afterthought, focusing…
Maryland Personal Injury, Accident, and Victim's Rights Blog
Maryland Personal Injury-The Benefit of Health Insurance
Experienced Maryland personal injury lawyers are well aware of the benefit to their personal injury clients who use their health insurance to pay for their medical expenses. Whether injured in an automobile accident, trucking accident or the victim of some other type of personal injury, victims who are advised by…
Maryland Automobile Accidents-Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
Persons injured in automobile accidents in Maryland may be eligible for Personal Injury Protection (PIP). Personal Injury Protection is a common no-fault insurance provision which benefits persons injured in automobile accidents to collect money as reimbursement for medical bills and lost wages. Most Maryland automobile insurance policies are written to…
Maryland’s Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Law is Intended to Protect Innocent Victims
Maryland uninsured/underinsured motorist statute is intended to protect innocent victims from the nelgigent conduct of irresponsible drivers who drive without insurance. Maryland courts have demonstrated a tendency to liberally construe the uninsured/undersinured motorist statute to ensure that, when appropriate, the victims of automobile accidents are adequately compensated for the personal…
Maryland Personal Injury Law Prohibits Lawsuits Against Operators of Emergency Vehicles
Under Maryland personal injury law, the driver of an “emergency vehicle” cannot be sued in his or her individual capacity for damages resulting from negligent conduct committed while operating an emergency vehicle in the course of providing “emergency service.” An “emergency vehicle” includes police vehicles. “Emergency service” includes responses to…